What is Adventure?

My recent trip to Montreal changed how I thought about my family and our travels. In recent years I have felt like we were building up to something, or getting prepared.

No More.

I’m ready to own it…We are Adventurers.

But why should that be?

There are people who would regard our foray to “just” another North American city as mundane, safe, or unimaginative. It’s a much smaller risk than trips to less developed parts of the world, so why should we be Adventurers?

We embraced our fears.

Adventure is taking risks. Some people may not see Montreal as risky, but is was a risk for us. We were enchanted by the possibilities, afraid of the uncertainties, and we went.

The unfamiliarity was disturbing, physically sickening on the first sleep-deprived day. Immersed in fatigue and adrenalin I briefly felt “Oh my god, what have we done?”.

That feeling was followed by 8 hours of amazing sleep and one of the greatest weeks of adventure my family has ever experienced.

Embracing fear is intrinsically Adventurous.

What’s the smallest thing you are afraid of?
Go do it. Have an Adventure.

Tell me what you think...