About Charlie

Hi. My name is Charlie, and I have a day job.
In a sea of bloggers writing about being self employed, location independent, minimalist, digital nomads I’m just a regular guy.

However, I’m not living a regular life.

In the midst of a burby 9 to 5 existence I’m an eccentric. I have projects and interests galore that keep every day (almost) interesting and full of possibility. This blog is where I talk about the choices and interests that got me here and allow me to stay. Lots of writers tell how to craft your perfect life, but they all seemed to be recent college grads or dropouts without families, responsibilities, or commitments. I write about how to live the life you love starting with the life you already live.

Thanks for being here,

2 Comments on “About Charlie”

  1. I am really enjoying your blog, it is nice to see another eccentric living a fulfilled life, and sharing his experiences! Keep up the good work!

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